Equality and Gender in Adult Lifelong Learning (Intersectionality and Gender)
What is EquALL(ING)?
Equality in Adult Education Lifelong Learning (Intersectionality and Gender)
EquALL(ING) is a 2 years Exchange of good practices project. Its aim is to improve the way gender equality is approached in adult lifelong learning education.
Estrategy 1: Life Stories
A iniciative to know better the complex realities of some of the participants.
Estrategy 2: Decalogue
Decalogue of good practices in gender equality with an intersetcional persepctive.
Estrategy 3: Skills
To identify teaching professional skills in gender equality and intersectionality.
Estrategy 4: Best Practices Bank
A bunch of ready-made win-win activities
Got questions?
Send an email to ka204equalling@gmail.com if you want more information about the project
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