Our goal: to progress in gender equality in adult education, with an intersectional view.

EquALL(ING) is an Erasmus+ Exchange of Good Practices project. Its aim is to improve the way gender equality is approached in adult lifelong learning education.

For it, since September 2020 and for 24 months, we will be working sharing experiences about:

  1. A model of gender equality analysis with an intersectional view in adult education: comparing experiences and designing a small guide to identify, analyze and intervene in inequality situations with a complex approach, considering that diversity axes don't act independently but interrelated.

  2. Decalogue of good practices in gender equality with an intersectional approach: comparing experiences, identifying the elements that form a good practice experience in gender equality matter, describing good practices in gender equality with an intersectional view in adult education and training of trainers, using mainly creativity and art as ways of expression.

  3. Identification of teachers professional skills in gender equality and intersectionality: experiences comparison, detection of professional skills in gender equality and co-education that are relevant to Adult Education trainers, which work with extremely different profiles (out from age, ethnicity, skills, socioeconomic levels...); learning training of trainers models that count with quality criteria and have been experienced and assessed.

  4. Design of a model/program of training of trainers: to sketch a model of training of trainers focused on gender equality

6 countries, 7 partners:

  1. Centro de Profesorado Territorial Ángel Sanz Briz – España

  2. CPEPA Cella – España

  3. Orient Express – Austria

  4. Centro Provinciale per l'Istruzione degli Adulti 2 Bari – Italia

  5. Association Odyssée – Francia

  6. TOPCOACH SRO – Eslovaquia

  7. Ljudska univerza Celje – Eslovenia

The project includes students mobilities and LTTA (Learning Teaching Training Activities).

Events celebrated up to now

The EquALL(ING) Team has already began to work. We have achieved two milestones so far: presenting the project in the #ErasmusDays 2020 and running our first TPM (Transnational Project Meeting).

Press report of the EquALL(ING) event in the #ErasmusDays 2020
Screeshot of the first EquALL(ING) TPM

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