Benjamin Fowler

What does it take to go from being considered a "Public Nuisance" to a Public Servant?

Benjamin Fowler graduated in April 2023 as part of FFRP's first-ever Career Training Program in the San Francisco Bay Area.  His story highlights the challenges that individuals that are formerly incarcerated may face in seeking a career in wildland firefighting:  

SUCCESS: Benjamin Fowler is currently employed at USFS

20230422_California fires: Landmark firefighting law sparks hope for ex-inmates.pdf

SJ Mercury News article, Landmark law sparks new hope for former inmates who battled California wildfires, details the story of Firefighter Benjamin Fowler's experience through Conservation "Fire" Camp during some of the largest wildfires in recent history and barriers in  pursuit of the career path to become a wildland firefighter upon release. Part of his journey includes training through the Forestry and Fire Recruitment Program (FFRP).