Registration Information

Registration Information for Students in COURSE WORK (Years One and Two)

YEAR ONE Coursework

Registration Instructions for Students in Year ONE.

Year TWO Coursework

Registration Instructions for Students in Year TWO.

Registration Instructions for Students in Years THREE, FOUR, and FIVE+ (those who have completed 2 years of required coursework).

Year Three+

Comprehensive exam Stage

**All students out of coursework MUST fill out the Matriculated Student Status Form to maintain funding (see below).

Year Four+

Proposal Stage

**All students out of coursework MUST fill out the Matriculated Student Status Form to maintain funding (see below).

Year five+

Dissertation Stage

**All students out of coursework MUST fill out the Matriculated Student Status Form to maintain funding (see below).

Information about Professional Development Registration


Dissertation Seminar (THEO 5017) - Register for AY 2023-2024 in SPRING 2024

The Dissertation Seminar (for students who are ABD) meets all academic year but you will not register for the official course until the spring semester. However, if you would like to participate in the seminar, you must participate throughout the full year, so you would begin in the fall (without registering) and then continue on in the spring, but you need to register in the spring. To indicate your interest in participating in 2023-2024, please email John Seitz by August 30th for the coming year. In recent years, participation has been capped at 8 students, so it is important to let the Director of Professional Development (John Seitz, 2023-2024) know of your intent to participate as soon as possible so that they orchestrate the logistics of the class [scheduling etc.]. 

Professionalization Seminar (THEO 9000)- Register in FALL 2023

If you plan to consult with the Director (Dr. Seitz) for any professionalization work, you MUST register for THEO 9000: Professionalization Seminar. This is a zero-credit course and can be registered for up to three times, so even if you registered last year or the year before, you can enroll again.

Professionalization assistance includes: one-on-one conversations with the Director (Dr. Seitz a)bout applying for jobs (academic or otherwise) or fellowships, assistance with cover letters, resumes/CVs, teaching statements and other materials, mock interviews, job advice, advice negotiating salaries, and more. In other words, if you plan to apply for any jobs OR fellowships this year (whether one or twenty-five) and you plan to ask for any advice or assistance with this process, please register for THEO 9000. Also, I ask that you do this sooner rather than later, as numbers in this course affect the overall department course enrollment averages which have very serious bearing for how many courses we can offer students still in course work.

TEACHING ASSOCIATE INFORMATION. If you are out of your funding award, click on the link to read about teaching associate positions. In order to be considered for a teaching associate position, students must apply for funding.

Helpful Registration Links and Forms

Matriculated Student Status Form .

GSAS Consortium Programs : Click on this link to find information about Fordham's two Consortia programs. 

Graduate Tutorial Form

GSAS 0-Credit Language Study Application.

Information regarding the auditing of a class 

Request Form for an Incomplete .

Course Withdrawal Late Registration Form .

Request for a Medical Leave of Absence.

Withdrawal from University Form.