Panopto - Video Capture and Management


Panopto is a web application to record, share and manage video content, whether lecture capture, screencasting, or more. It is a well-established tool, developed at Carnegie Mellon University and used at 21 of the nation's top 25 universities. Fully integrated with Fordham's Zoom and Blackboard systems, Panopto allows you to upload your videos to a secure video library for your course. Not only can you select to provide closed captioning to your videos but Panopto indexes any speech, thereby allowing users to search through the videos for specific terms, phrases, etc..

Panopto also allows you to:

  • Embed interactive video quizzes within a video.

  • Upload existing videos via drag and drop

  • Create new videos via an easy to use app, including screen capture

  • Edit your videos easily via the web

More info

Accessing Panopto

You can access Panopto directly at and log in with your regular Fordham Access IT credentials.

Via Blackboard

To add Panopto to your Blackboard course, follow these instructions. This will show you how to a) add the Panopto tool to your Blackboard Course, b) create a video folder in your course, c) share videos, and d) understand the instructor "creator" role

More Blackboard options:

Zoom Integration

More info forthcoming...


Panopto provides a great deal of resources at