research PROJECTS

Active Studies


Measuring Our Momentary Emotions and Negative Thoughts

For those who have the urge to harm themselves, what thoughts and emotions does one experience in the moments leading up to that urge?

If you live in NYC and are interested in helping us figure this out, email


Daily Experiences of Negative Emotions

What are the interpersonal experiences that go along with thoughts about harming oneself?

If you live in NYC and are interested in helping us figure this out, email


Responses to Emotions And Daily Interactions

How do the people around you respond to your emotions—in social interactions, and through social media? And how do you respond to your own emotions when you're with others or when you're alone?

If you live in NYC and are interested in helping us figure this out, email


Multiyear Adult Personality Project

How do personalities change at the transition to adulthood?

We are in the final stages of a 3-year longitudinal study in which college students reported on their personality, social environments, mental health symptoms, interpersonal problems, and more.


Cross-cultural Addictive Behaviors Study

Are the antecedents of drug and alcohol abuse in young adulthood similar around the world?

We are part of a team across 4 continents, led by Adrian Bravo, that examines distress tolerance and other personality factors in relation to addiction.

Open Science Framework

We believe in the power of open science.

Visit this site to see what we're working on, including article preprints/reprints, data analysis code, and datasets.