Social Analysis

Tibetan women have long faced unfair treatment due to multiple factors, including traditional attitudes, social structure, and information dissemination. Changing this situation requires a fundamental change in social attitudes, strengthening the protection of women's rights, and promoting the free dissemination of information and the exchange of ideas in order to achieve equality and development for Tibetan women.

The difficulty in spreading new information and ideas also contributes to the unfair treatment of Tibetan women. Tibet's geographical, transportation, and economic conditions limit the spread of external ideas and information, making the conceptual change of Tibetan society slow. These factors exacerbate the low status of women in society, making those who continue to discriminate, oppress, and ignore women become power holders and perpetrators in society, while women become victims

Even after giving birth, women are not allowed to rest, but must do housework. This has a great impact on the provincial health of those women, which is prone to lifelong diseases. Even now, many pregnant women in Tibet still give birth at home, and the process is unhygienic and unscientific. This has led to high maternal mortality rates and short life expectancy in Tibet.