Catholic Social Teaching/ Themes

Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching

The seven main themes of Catholic social teaching are human life and dignity, the common good, rights and responsibilities, the choice of the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of work and the rights of workers, solidarity, and concern for God's creation. According to the doctrine, every human being is considered a creation of God and enjoys an inalienable dignity, regardless of gender, race, or social status. Therefore, any unfair treatment of Tibetan women is contrary to these basic principles. The Catholic Social teachings emphasize care and care, especially the protection and support of vulnerable groups, including respect and equal treatment of women. 

Theme 1  Life and Dignity of the Human Person

This theme emphasizes the dignity and value of life for everyone, regardless of their social status or gender. In Tibet, women face many challenges, including restrictions on education, employment and political participation, as well as gender discrimination. By emphasizing human dignity and the value of life, the Catholic Social Doctrine calls for the elimination of discrimination against women and the protection of their rights and dignity in order to ensure their full development in society.

Theme 2  Right and Responsibility

This theme emphasizes that every person has not only the right to enjoy fundamental freedoms and dignity, but also the responsibility to contribute to their own well-being and that of society. However, in Tibet, women are often denied their rights, such as access to education, health care, etc. This deprivation is not only a violation of their individual rights, but also a breach of social justice.

Big Story

The story of Esther offers a powerful narrative to connect with the social injustices faced by Tibetan women. Esther was a courageous Jewish woman who used her position as queen to defend her people during persecution. Likewise, Tibetan women, often marginalized and facing discrimination, can take inspiration from Esther's courageous stand-up against injustice. For example, suppose they encounter discrimination and oppression at work and in life. In that case, Tibetan women should bravely fight for themselves and, simultaneously, social organizations and other people's power to resist. For Tibetan women, Esther's story is a powerful reminder that they, too, can use courage and wisdom to stand up against social injustice and fight for justice and dignity for themselves and others who are oppressed.

Putting Children and Families First: A Challenge for Our Church, Nation and World

The document stresses the importance of protecting and promoting the rights and dignity of children and families. In Tibet, women play a vital role in the family, and they are usually the main ones responsible for taking care of the family and nurturing the next generation. However, Tibetan women often face problems such as lack of education, inadequate medical resources, and lack of freedom in marriage. Tibetan girls face fewer educational opportunities than men, which is contrary to the values and approaches promoted in the document.