What Have I Done?

                          My Action Plans

                      Volunteer at a Crisis Text Line

I came up with a couple of ideas for how I can make a difference and support suicide prevention efforts. My first idea was to submit an application to Crisis Text Line to enroll in their volunteer Crisis Counselor training. I hope that someday in the future I can commit to the required 4 hours/week as a volunteer crisis counselor. Crisis Text Line crisis counselors work remotely, on their computers, answering texts from people in crisis. The volunteers engage with texters who are looking for help, the counselors de-escalate the crisis and provide compassionate, non-judgmental support using active listening, collaborative problem-solving, and safety planning. This is an important way Crisis Counselors make a positive impact to those in need. 

                                 Instagram Page

My second idea was to start an Instagram page that educates and raises awareness about suicide based on what I’ve learned about suicide, suicide prevention, and ways to help people in need. 

Follow @suicide_prevention_988_

                      Suicide Road Race

My last idea is to run a 5K road race for suicide prevention awareness. Most of these races are in September, Suicide Awareness Month, so this is something I will do in the future! 

            FONTBONNE | The Early College of Boston