Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching

Life and Dignity of Human Person

The issue of Asians being mistreated and underrepresented aligns with the Catholic Social Teaching of Life and Dignity of the Human Person; this Catholic Social Teaching focuses on the importance of appreciating every human on the earth as an equal. Not only does every person deserve love, but they also deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Similar to my topic, Asians have been brainwashed into normalizing Asian stereotypes shown on screens. It has become a societal norm to believe all Asians love math, wear glasses, and are illiterate. The Bible states to “Love one another, contribute to the needs of others, live peaceably with all” (Romans 12: 9-18). As a society, everyone needs to learn to love one another and not be swayed by their judgements. Although it is difficult for a person to see the world through an Asian perspective, they must still learn to appreciate them. In Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti, he explains how every person’s dignity should “be respected in all circumstances, not because that dignity is something we have invented or imagined, but because human beings possess an intrinsic worth superior to that of material objects and contingent situations. This requires that they be treated differently. That every human being possesses an inalienable dignity is a truth that corresponds to human nature apart from all cultural change.” Not only does Pope Francis encourage cultural diversity, but he also touches upon the topic of positive change. I believe he wants people to understand that in order for there to be a change, everyone must contribute their own understanding of the world. Although everyone’s viewpoint is different, Pope Francis views this as a chance to learn more about various cultures. If everyone was able to be open-minded, there would be less issues revolving around race, identity, and harmful stereotypes. 

Solidarity, another one of the seven Catholic Social Teachings, means to recognize everyone as a fellow brother or sister. With solidarity, humans are able to form relationships and understand various perspectives. This Catholic Social Teaching relates to the under and misrepresentation of Asians in Hollywood and Broadway because without solidarity, there would be no improvement for Asian actors and performers within the entertainment industry. In order for progress to be made, we, as a community, “have to move from our devotion to independence, through an understanding of interdependence, to a commitment to human solidarity. That challenge must find its realization in the kind of community we build among us.”

Many American Christians have a long, deep-rooted history of supporting policies that “discriminated against Asian Americans on the basis of both race and religion. While some Christians opposed Chinese exclusion, others supported it because they regarded Chinese people as heathens who threatened the racial and religious purity of the United States.” The article, “Please Love Our Asian American Neighbors”: Christian Responses to Anti-Asian Racism during the COVID-19 Pandemic, further proves that some Christians believe in excluding Asians from their religion. Similar to how Asian actors and performers are excluded and mocked because of their race, this relates to the overall relationship between race and job opportunities.

Through social analysis, I have identified the roots of why there is a strong misinterpretation and lack of Asians in Hollywood and Broadway. It is clear that after using and portraying Asians as humorous figures on screens, there is a lack of education for those who are underprivileged in widening their perspective on all cultures. 

In the church community, people preach God’s words of loving one another as you would yourself. This well-known phrase relates to not just my social justice topic but all social injustices. Asians are constantly being shut down because of their appearances. Because of this, this limits them to opportunities to broaden their surroundings in the films and entertainment industry. However, almost all of the Catholic Social Teachings encourage people to set aside biases and recognize that all people are equal. Jesus views everyone as children of God and celebrates all people.

At Fontbonne, students are given several opportunities to express themselves and their culture. Things like the International Culture Festival, student-lead minority clubs, and other cultural events give all students at Fontbonne the opportunity to learn more about how diversity is. In addition, Fontbonne is known for acknowledging the four R’s: Respect, responsibility, reconciliation, and reverence. Through the four R’s, students build stronger relationships with one another, therefore allowing them to have deeper and important conversations with one another. Many times, people avoid talking about injustices because it makes them feel uncomfortable. However, at Fontbonne, there is a strong community that supports each other to embrace the beauty in one’s culture.

The term “social justice” initiates the conversation that everyone deserves equal economic, political social rights and opportunities. It is also both a theoretical concept and a practical ideal. Through my social analysis and theological reflection, I have gained further insight on why The Under and Misrepresentation of Asians in Hollywood and Broadway is such an undermining issue. In addition to the unequal pay and mistreatment of many Asians in the entertainment industry, there is also an abundant amount of hate crimes targeting Asians. 

The several hate crimes that rose in 2020 demonstrate how the Asian community is viewed in both society and the film industry. Both oppression and internalized oppression relate to this because many Asians were targeted and suffered from hate crimes. If the film industry fails to recognize the internalized oppression, it will become a bigger platform that “shapes how individuals see themselves and perceive others”. So, not only is there injustice in Hollywood and Broadway, but also everywhere in the world.

Racism, inequality, love, and hatred all coexist in our society. Moreover, the difference of ideologies can create relationships and conflicts.  The social system relates to Asian ideologies because it demonstrates how they view themselves and the world. I am eager to see more Asian representation in Hollywood and on Broadway. I believe that without any representation, future generations will be limited to understanding different worldviews and perspectives. Although starring in Hollywood movies and Broadway shows are important, having equal and fair opportunities for people is what will bring harmony and knowledge to our society.