North Atlantic Right Whales

*Warning: This page contains graphic images of animals in distressing situations. Please be advised.*

 The North Atlantic Right Whale was once targeted by whalers and is still suffering from the effects of century long whaling. Now as whaling takes a back seat in the fishing world their biggest threats are vessel strikes and entanglements in fishing gear.  

Catalog #1950

March 30th 

Vessel Strike 

Calf of Juno (Catalog #1612)

March 3rd

Vessel Strike

Calf of Pilgrim (Catalog #4340)

February 13th 

Vessel Strike

Catalog #5120

January 28th 

Death suspected to be due to entanglement 


Calf of Half Note (Catalog #1301)


Calf of Catalog #3780


Calf of Catalog #1950

Vessels involved in whale strikes are often cargo ships, an Oceana study found that 84% of vessels 65 ft and larger sped through slow zones implemented in or around whale migration patterns or feeding grounds.

Entanglements often happen in lobster fishing gear along the Atlantic coast. Due to rising sea water temperatures lobstermen over the years have had to move their traps into deeper water as areas like the Gulf of Maine become too warm for lobsters to thrive there. In turn they are moving deeper into NARW migration paths and feeding grounds.

Graph from NOAA fisheries detailing causes of death in NARWs

Graph from NOAA fisheries detailing causes of death in NARWs