What can be done?


Ocean advocacy can come in many different forms. From lobbying for bills to protect certain areas of the oceans and decrease our use of fossil fuels, to starting up local public gardens, and buying sustainably sourced seafood. 

Specific ways people can help the oceans are: 

New England Aquarium Teen Program Supervisor Tiffani Macarelli talking to Mrs. Dacosta's Biology CP class

What have I done?

In my daily life I work towards ocean advocacy through my work as an employee of the New England Aquarium. There I interpret exhibits and concepts for visitors to encourage them to become ocean stewards and also work towards betterment of the oceans. 

For my action plan I invited my boss at the New England Aquarium to speak to a Biology class at Fontbonne about North Atlantic Right Whales and how scientists at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life identify whales using aerial technology.