Written Interview Report with Chinese Psychiatrist

The Chinese psychiatrist who accepted the interview does not want to reveal his/her name. However, he/she has been studying and working in the area of psychology for many years and has credibility to his/her own words.

(P.S. the following interview was conducted in Chinese. The original conversation is copied below and the translated version is presented as well.)

Q: Can you tell me your experience as a psychiatrist working with mental illness patients?

A: I've worked with numerous mental illness patients, such as people with depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, etc. Also, I think people nowadays would like to focus more on their mental health, which is a good sign.


Q: Do you think there is discrimination toward mental illness people in China?

A: Yes. I think there is a significant level of discrimination toward mental illness people in China. Like if you see someone on the street hitting another person, you may think it is pretty weird. However, if you are told that the person who is hitting has mental health issues, then you may think it is quite normal.


Q: What are some suggestions you had given to your patients regarding those discrimination?

A: I've told my visitors not to easily disclose their mental illnesses, such as depression or bipolar disorder, to others. This is because, in today's society, a significant portion of people still cannot understand the pain caused by mental illnesses and continue to harbor prejudices against them.


Q: What are some suggestions you can give to your patients that could benefit their mental health?

A: Firstly, it's important not to be prejudiced against yourself or blame yourself too much. Feeling depressed and stressed is normal for everyone. Some everyday activities that can help improve your mood include getting sunlight, taking vitamin D supplements, and getting as much exercise as possible. If your depression lasts for two weeks or more, please seek medical attention or reach out to others for help in a timely manner.
