Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable 

The Catholic Social Teaching of “Option for the Poor and Vulnerable” correlates greatly with my social justice issue. This Catholic Social Teaching ultimately calls on us as Christians to put the needs of those struggling before our own and emphasize how no member of our society should be set aside solely because they are “poor.” In cancer treatment, this issue is seen quite often in terms of individuals struggling financially and being turned down to receive the life-saving treatment they need. This is being done to innocent individuals because our healthcare system has lost the purpose of helping those in need and instead has turned to the motto of “profits over patients.” This issue and the Catholic Social Teaching of the “ Option for the Poor and Vulnerable” is emphasized in Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti where he shares his ideal goals for humanity and says “It is my desire that, in this our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Brotherhood between all men and women” (no. 8)

The Life and Dignity of the Human Person 

The Catholic Social Teaching of “The Life and Dignity of the Human Person” ultimately states that every human has the right to life and their social, economic, or environmental conditions should not affect this. This point is also emphasized in Pope Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate where he discusses the current economic crisis as well as moral aspects that come along with economic life, poverty, human rights and duties, and environmental responsibility. Overall Caritas in Veritate correlates to the theme of “The Life and Dignity of the Human Person” and my social justice project of cancer disparities within healthcare by calling to the public and declaring the need for change in the morals that have been squashed in our society solely due to the human desire for financial gain. This document also discusses how economic corruption not only affects people’s yearly salaries but also affects our environment and the overall morals and ethics we have now deemed acceptable in our society.