Social Analysis

The social analysis of the injustices in juvenile law centers shows the imbalances and inequalities that were and continue to be faced by juveniles within the system. Many centers in America prioritize punishment and punitive measures over rehabilitation, which leads to cruel and unfair penalties for minor offenses. Marginalized communities are not well represented in juvenile facilities, which leads to an even bigger issue regarding racism and socioeconomic inequality. Additionally, the lack of resources and support worsens the injustices. By analyzing and coming together as a community, we can work towards a better place for our children and juveniles, and help to prioritize that they get the help they need.

One of the biggest issues when talking about the United States' juvenile justice system, is the asymmetrical representation of minorities. It is said that Black and Hispanic juveniles are represented too much in the system, with large rates of arrest and incarceration compared to the white community. This often leads to systemic racism, lack of resources and opportunities, and poverty. As well as the punitive approach of the juvenile justice system coming under inspection. Many argue that the punitive measures taken fail to address hidden issues that make children commit crime.