About Me

Why did I choose this topic?

My name is Róisín Burke and I am a senior here at Fontbonne. I decided to investigate this particular issue after I read the fictional novel Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley. This book is about an 18 year old girl, Daunis Fauntaine, who spontaneously agrees to participate in an investigation about the growing presence of methamphetamine in her community after she witnessed the murder of her best friend. As a bi-racial indigenous citizen, she struggles with her identity throughout her journey. She was often dismissed and ostracized for her connection to her heritage. Daunis herself experienced cruelty, racism, sexual assault, as well as other crimes committed against her people. Although fiction, the novel sheds light on modern social injustices that Indigenous people across the world encounter. Firekeeper’s Daughter inspired me to understand more about native culture, to honor and recognize the contributions of their community in our world, and to raise awareness in order to create a social change that creates a brighter future for our deserving Indigenous communities.