Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching

Care for those who are poor and vulnerable

Within educational inequality low income communities suffer the most. They are often forgotten, and without a doubt their socioeconomic status is a big part in why there has been no true urgency to address this problem on the level that it should be addressed on.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

Through this call, God recognizes how our complex social structures can negatively affect the individual person within society as a whole. As followers of him, we are encouraged to seek out those who may have been forgotten within these structures and reach out a helping hand to them. This can be tied to education inequality because social structures within our society such as the economic system, racism, and classism, have allowed this injustice to prevail. When looking at teachings such as this we can recognize how important it is to not turn a blind eye to this because we have a duty to lend a helping hand and reach out to those disadvantaged by these social structures in place. In this case these are communities that are left with underfunded public schools.