[Education Inequality Within Public Schools]

Sayah Levene


Throughout America there is a prevalent injustice of education inequality within the public school system. This issue can be tied back to the way America has chosen to set up how public schools are funded. Property taxes are used to support these schools, and the vast difference in property throughout America’s economic statuses is reflected in the quality of schools provided to an area.

Why I Chose This Topic!

When I was young my mom decided that she was going to send me to private school. The public schools in my area had low graduation rates, an abundance of fights and it  scared my mom for my future. As I got older I soon started to notice the disparities between the education I was receiving and that of my friends within my town. And beyond that, I started to see the difference between the exemplary public school education of my friends who live around fifteen minutes away from me then of that of my town's public education. The differences of these educations are decided by factors unchangeable by the kids who attend these schools. The sparked my interest in the topic!

Watch This Video For More Insight


Contact sayah.levene@fontbonneboston.org to get more information on the project!