What can be done?


There are so many ways that in our every day lives we can simply promote education about different types of disabilities, their challenges, and how they affect individuals lives. This can be integrated into schools through curriculum updates, workshops, or seminars. Even me simply talking about my project focus and motivation at Fontbonne Social Justice Fair is taking one step further to spreading awareness for people with disabilities, specifically in group homes.

In this generation simply sharing information on social media still will make a major impact.

What have I done?

I have created posters that focus on the main message I want to spread. If I had to leave two pieces of information engrained in people's memory when they think of my project it would be the two posters below. By placing these signs around the school, I hope that when the person is walking through the halls and reads them they take a second to reflect on their own actions if need be. My intention was to put up slogans that are fast and easy to remember but, have a long lasting impact. These small steps taken inside my highschool are steps to help protect people who are disabled from abuse and neglect in group homes

Flier #1

Flier #2