What can be done?

How to Be Aware of Cultural Appropriation 

1. Research the Culture

Prior to using another culture’s property, you should properly research and understand it to know what you will be using from them. Taking without respect, knowledge or insight will ultimately lead to a serious backlash and accusations of cultural theft and cultural misrepresentation.

2. Avoid the Sacred

Much of the world still hold some things sacred, whether that be God, gods, spirits, symbols or anything else so it can be easy to sometimes overlook the sacred. What might seem a bit of fun, or mistake may cause serious distress to others.


3. Don’t Stereotype

A big issue with adopting from other cultures is that it can be based on stereotypes, which can be often negative and incorrect. It is natural when a foreigner to have their own cultural preconceptions of the culture, so it is nice to be open minded when learning the culture


4. Promote Diversity

Having people with knowledge of different cultures and who understand the psychology of minority cultures or faiths is a sure-fire way of avoiding many of the potential issues.

5. Engage, Promote & Share Benefits

It is said that the most effective way to avoid cultural appropriation is to engage with the culture you are adopting from. Engaging with it, you leearn new knowledge and with that new knowledge, you can share benefits of the culture with people.

What have I done?

I have made an instagram account @culturalawarness and on this account I share small pieces of information I have researched all throughout my project.