Adolescent Drug Abuse

Maeve McGrath 

Why is Adolescent Drug Abuse an Issue? 

Adolescent drug abuse is a rampant issue within America as well as globally. Substance abuse is more common than not in the world we live in today; as is seen in our surrounding communities and throughout the world. I believe this is a ubiquitous issue that should be put to an end. Statistics show, half of Americans, twelve and older, have used illicit drugs at least once. Drug overdose deaths in the US since 2000 are nearing one million people. As an adolescent myself, I believe this scourge could be decreased by spreading awareness and utilizing research to present the severity of the issue. 

Teen drug usage in America is a much more prevalent issue than we may see on the surface. Kids are experimenting and using in a more secretive way, ranging from vapes to opioids. A primary example of excessive drug use is a simple cup of coffee. Studies show that adolescents consume 60-800mg of caffeine a day, when the recommended max amount is 100mg.

In past decades drugs were so normalized, such as a young person smoking a cigarette or drinking from an earlier age. As time has gone on we have more research on the harmful effects of these substances. As we begin to evolve as a society more and more new discoveries are made. We are able to see the detriments that drugs and alcohol have caused. Although history seems to almost be repeating itself with the spike of children using tobacco, vape products, excessive caffeine, and marijuana usage in all different forms of consumption. 

Mission of the project

My mission is to inform parents and teens about the dangers of drugs and prevent early substance abuse disorder from occurring. 


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