Program Information

What do school counselors do?

A comprehensive school counseling program supports growth in the following areas: academic, social/emotional, and career development. 

Individual Counseling 

Individual counseling is solution-focused and short-term in nature. Individual counseling occurs when a referral is made by staff, parent, or student.  The student will meet with the counselor at a time that is conducive to the student's schedule.

Classroom Lessons

All students receive classroom lessons throughout the year either in their homeroom class or during related arts.  Lessons will cover a variety of life skill topics, such as social skills, bullying prevention, emotional regulation, and career awareness and exploration.

Small Groups

Throughout the year, small groups will be held.  These groups give students an opportunity to learn new social skills and gain a variety of perspectives as they interact with their peers with similar situations.  

How to Refer a Student to the Counselor?

SES School Counselor Referral:

To refer a student for counseling please use the google form on the left. Once the referral has been submitted a counselor will contact you at their earliest convenience.

Facts About the Role of a School Counselor

The Essential Role of Elementary School Counselors.pdf
School Counseling Myths Debunked.pdf

Whole-campus Counseling Programs

Erin's Law

Each year, K-12 school counselors in South Carolina must teach a body safety lesson for all students.  This lesson, required by law, teaches students about the importance of knowing that their bodies belong to them. Click Here to learn more about Erin's law. 

Random Acts of Kindness 

Random Acts of Kindness is usually celebrated during the third week of February. During this week students are taught lessons on kindness and encouraged to do random acts of kindness for others.  Click Here to learn more about Random acts of Kindness.


Students are taught lessons on careers in order to help them learn, discover, and explore what jobs they may be interested in and what jobs are available that they may not be aware of. Career lessons also help students learn what level of education and work experience they will need in order to succeed in their ideal career choice.