Student Blogs

Click here for the blogging rubric, this is how you will be marked.

Here are some of the guidelines of blogging in Grade Six:

1. Make sure each blog post is at least one paragraphs long. Each paragraph should be at least five sentences long. (topic sentence, details, concluding sentence) Ensure your post demonstrates your learning, is backed up with evidence and is interesting to read.

2. Use quality writing in your posts and comments. Practice sentence variety, proper punctuation and capitalization and don’t forget to use the spell check to catch errors. Remember that your classmates, other teachers and students and people from around the world can read your work.

3. Comments need to include questions about the post, additional information that would add to the post or two “I likes” and an “I wish” when appropriate. Keep your comments respectful and focused on the author’s post.

4. Remember the THINK acronym (Truthful, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind) when you are posting and commenting. You want to represent yourself well when communicating with others. Show good digital citizenship.

5. Use your blog to enhance your learning and improve your writing skills. It is a wonderful opportunity to share your writing in a safe environment and have the support and encouragement of your classmates as well.

Being a good #DigitalCitizen means:


  • Do not use your last name.
  • Don’t be specific when writing about yourself. Say: “I on the local robotics team" rather than “I play for the Timberbots”.
  • Never give anyone your address, email address or phone number. You can keep in touch through the blog.
  • Do not post photos of others without their permission.


  • Don’t say anything that might be offensive to someone else.
  • Be considerate of others. When commenting, show others that you have read what they have written rather than just saying “great job”.
  • Be open to other people’s opinions, but be prepared to discuss your own position if you don’t agree.


  • You know about good grammar, spelling and punctuation. Apply it!
  • Save abbreviations and shortcuts for texting.
  • You are broadcasting yourself to the world. Present yourself in the best possible light by always striving to do your best.

What is Digital Citizenship?

Being a good Digital Citizen mean to demonstrate and practice safe, responsible and legal use of technology. A good digital citizen is someone who understands the rights and responsibilities that com with being online and someone who uses technology in a positive way. Online Digital Citizenship/Literacy Course