
Language Arts

We have been working on the routines and skills necessary to be successful in Daily 5. We have been working on building our "read to self" and "writer's workshop" stamina. Next week, we will be starting to look at "short a" words and working on sentence structure.


We are working on "Patterning" in math.

Key terms:

core- the repeating part of the pattern,

element- each piece of the pattern,

attribute: what changes in the pattern, for example: size, shape, colour, direction.


We've been having a wonderful time exploring our classroom using magnets. The students and I are looking forward to answering some of the questions we came up with to begin the unit. We hope to discover, through experiment, how magnets work and what types of materials attract magnets. It should be a fun unit!

Social Studies

Before we jump into looking at different communities in Canada, we have decided to start by learning some basic mapping skills. This unit will give a good base knowledge of the map of Canada, Cardinal Directions and the compass.


We have been talking about Zones of Regulation in reference to the characters of the movie, Inside Out. I think this is a good unit to begin our year because it will help the students better be able to recognize how they're feeling, or the zone they are in, and also the skills necessary to change zone. For example, if the student recognizes they are in the Red Zone (Anger from Inside Out), they know some ways they can get themselves back to the Green Zone (Joy from Inside Out).


We have been discussing different families that we belong to: our relatives, parish, class, school, etc. The family unit nestles itself within the larger context of God's family. God calls all humans to be His sons and daughters through belief in His son.This year will have a large focus on First Communion, Resurrection, and Eucharist.