PT - Information from our Physical Therapist

Choosing Proper Footwear

Too often, parents will buy shoes for their kids 1-2 sizes too big, so that their child can “grow into” their shoes. Poorly fitting shoes is a concern as they are a tripping hazard for the child, as well, shoes that are too large will limit the child’s ability to do things such as hop, jump, balance, walk and run properly, hindering the child’s ability to learn and master these gross motor skills. A poorly fitting shoe also does not support the child’s foot properly. A child’s foot, including the joints, muscles and bones are developing and require proper arch support for the foot to develop correctly. Slip on shoes, sandals, dress shoes, shoes with heels are ok to wear occasionally for specific occasions (i.e. a dress up event or trip to the beach), but a properly sized running shoe is the best foot wear for children to wear as their “everyday shoe”. It is also important to keep in mind the child’s ability to properly fasten their own shoe. Choose a shoe the your child can put on and take off by themselves. This means children will need a Velcro fastening shoe until they can properly tie their own shoes. Slip on shoes or “Croc” style shoes do not secure the foot in the shoe and they are not a good substitute for shoes that fasten. Lace up shoes that are loosely tied so they can be slipped off and on without being tied up; also do not secure the foot in the shoe, even if the shoes are the correct size. In the case where a Velcro shoe cannot be found in the child’s size, elastic laces can be an option so that the shoe can stay tied, so the child can put on and take off their shoe independently, while still keeping the foot secured in the shoe. Once the shoes are on, make sure your child has their shoes on the correct feet. A helpful hint for children: use a permanent marker or stickers to mark the shoe, on the side where the big toe is. This way, they know to put their shoes on so that the stickers or marks on their shoes are together.

Ms. Alma Chan