
Gran Canaria  Venice Travel Guide 

You can be surprised that in Gran Canaria you can find out a similar place to Italian beautiful Venice :)

Mogan is a municipality located in the southwest coast of Gran Canaria, which is known for its charming and picturesque marina area. Some people refer to Mogan as the "Spanish Venice" because of its small canals and bridges that connect the different areas of the marina.

While Mogan does share some similarities with Venice, it's important to note that the comparison is mainly due to its aesthetics rather than its history or cultural significance. Mogan's canals were built primarily for practical purposes, such as providing access for boats and allowing the seawater to circulate in and out of the harbor, whereas Venice's canals are a unique and iconic feature of the city that have been around for centuries.

Additionally, Mogan has its own unique culture and history, which includes a mix of Spanish, African, and Latin American influences. The town is also known for its beautiful beaches, outdoor activities, and vibrant nightlife, making it a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.

Gran Canaria is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world, including Italy. According to statistics from the Gran Canaria Tourism Board, in 2019, Italian tourists accounted for approximately 4.5% of all international visitors to the island, making Italy the seventh largest source market for Gran Canaria tourism. However, it is worth noting that tourism patterns have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so current levels of Italian tourist traffic may be different. 

While both Puerto Mogan in Gran Canaria and Venice in Italy have water canals and bridges, the comparison between the two stops there. Puerto Mogan and Venice are vastly different in terms of their history, culture, architecture, and significance.

Venice is a city built on over 100 small islands, located in the northeast of Italy, and has a rich history that dates back over a thousand years. Its canals, architecture, and art have made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

Puerto Mogan, on the other hand, is a small fishing village located on the southwest coast of Gran Canaria, and it has only been developed as a tourist destination in recent decades. While it is a charming and picturesque place, it does not have the same cultural and historical significance as Venice. Additionally, Puerto Mogan's canals were built primarily for practical purposes, such as providing access for boats and allowing the seawater to circulate in and out of the harbor, whereas Venice's canals are a unique and iconic feature of the city that have been around for centuries.

In short, while there are some similarities between Puerto Mogan and Venice, the two places are fundamentally different in terms of their history, culture, and significance.

Does many diferent nationalities live in Gran Canaria?

Yes, there is a significant Italian population living in Spain. According to the latest statistics from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there were approximately 133,000 Italians living in Spain as of December 2021. This makes Spain the third most popular destination for Italian emigrants, after Germany and Switzerland.

Many Italians have migrated to Spain over the years in search of better job opportunities and a higher standard of living. The majority of Italians in Spain reside in urban areas such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands. There are also many Italian businesses and cultural organizations throughout the country.

Does Italian language is similar to Spanish?

Italian and Spanish are both Romance languages, which means they evolved from Latin and share many similarities in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. As a result, there are many similarities between the two languages, and speakers of one language often find it easier to learn the other.

Here are some examples of similarities between Italian and Spanish:

That being said, there are also many differences between Italian and Spanish, particularly in terms of pronunciation and regional variations. However, the similarities between the two languages often make it easier for speakers of one to learn the other.