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"Itโ€™s so fucking punk."

Leah Lockhart, The Democratic Society

Democracy Squared: a digital revolution that's about to democratise democracy

On November 8, 2016, the night Donald Trump was elected President of The United States, I published my first book, proposing ways to create a deeper and more distributed form of democracy supported by technology. Since publishing Democracy Squared I've been lucky enough to speak at TEDx, travel europe to share this vision and join the board of the world's leading blockchain enabled direct democracy movement, MiVote. I think this is the most important conversation humanity could be having right now (just in front of education, environmental catastrophy, tech monopolies, AI). I hope you agree after reading.

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"Simply mindblowingly good"

Watch the TEDx Talk

"Those in charge of Governments should be FORCED to read it."

"Just brilliant! Iโ€™ve been raving about this book to colleagues, family and friends"