Basic Agriculture Science

At PHS, four pathways are offered for students: Agriculture Mechanical Systems, Animal/Mechanical Systems, Forestry/Wildlife Systems, and Forestry/Mechanical Systems.

This course is designed as the foundational course for all Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathways. We will cover the main eight sectors of agriculture in detail: animal production, horticulture, agronomy, forestry and natural resources, agricultural mechanics, soil science, aquaculture, and agriscience. We utilize the greenhouse, shop, hands-on activities, and guest speakers to explore the course material.

Please find the standards that will be covered in the course at this link: Basic Ag Science Standards.

Please use the calendar to see what is going on in our classroom! Click on the unit to see unit plan, assignment rubrics, and daily slides. If you are absent, check the date for the overview of the day's work. Ask Mrs. Jackson for more detail if needed.

Basic Ag Syllabus.pdf