Student Testimonials

"My whole experience was unique and I’m very glad I got the opportunity to intern at Atrium."  - Jordan Agan CHS, Atrium Health Floyd Volunteer Services

"My success story is learning enough to do projects on my own. I am starting to be trusted to do things by myself at work and even know how to do things by myself at home."  -Andrew Earwood CHS, HMA Services 

"Overall, this internship completely served and exceeded my expectations. I wanted a taste of healthcare (specifically emergency care) to make sure I truly enjoyed it and to maybe get a better idea of what I want to do for a living (what specific health care field or profession)."  -Jaslyn Edwards AHS, Atrium Health Floyd ER

"That is the good thing about internships; it helps you test the waters in a way to see if you want to pursue a career in something without actually fully going for something. This internship has been a heart warming experience and it is something I can share with others and talk about forever."  -Jessica Lopez CHS, The Spires Resident Companion 

 "If I hadn’t done WBL I would have never known what I actually wanted to do with my life."  -Emily Lucas, CHS, Rome Floyd Fire Department 

"This past semester was so much fun and I recommend to anyone doing work based learning to branch out and make connections so they can learn what they truly want to do as an occupation."  -Kyleigh Powell AHS, Rome-Floyd ECO Center

"I encourage anyone that chooses to do an internship in high school.   It’s very helpful when you're trying to figure out a career path that you will possibly be interested in.  Also knowing what you want to do after high school is very important.  Overall having an Internship is life changing, for the better."  -Tamiya Ragland MHS, The Spires

"This semester was one that I will remember forever, I was blessed with the opportunity to have an internship at Harbin. With my time there I met some of the best people ever! I can’t express how grateful I am to have gotten to meet them. Each and everyone of them helped me learn so many new things."  -Belle Warren AHS, Harbin Physical Therapy 

"My executive internship experience has been very helpful and insightful. At the Rome News Tribune I have learned so many communication skills that I would need in a professional setting."  -Emmy Carney AHS, The Rome News Tribune 

"In the end, this experience was one I am so grateful to have and is one that many should experience. It teaches you people skills, gives you new connections and so much more. It also benefits you for college tremendously giving insight on tasks you’ve completed and what not."  -Maddie Carter CHS, Garden Lakes Baptist Preschool

"I have truly had an amazing time working with such an amazing group of people. I have learned more than imaginable about real estate, and would strongly recommend a real estate internship to anyone who is considering pursuing real estate. I have been shown so many opportunities that I cannot be more thankful for!"  -Bailey Tomlin AHS, Hardy Realty 

"I have had such an amazing time at Cabell’s Designs! It has been a wonderful experience, and I am so thankful for all that I have learned. Not only have I learned so much about art and business, but I have learned so much about life."  -Caroline Goss MHS, Cabell's Designs 

"I would strongly recommend this program to future students wanting to learn more about a job. Many success stories will come out of this. And it can help you later on in life."  -Ryan Smith CHS, EXP Engineering 

"I would choose to do this over and over again and I recommend it to any and everyone. "  -Gabi Smith PHS, Richard B. Russell Airport and Harbin Clinic Corporate Office

"If I were to be asked if I were to do this internship again, I would without hesitation say yes."  -McKinzy Snyder AHS, PAWS and East Rome Animal Clinic