Executive Internship

What is an Executive Internship?

An Executive internship is a career exploration program for gifted/honors students in Floyd County Schools.  An internship with a local business enables students to serve as special assistants to senior officials in a field of interest.  These unpaid shadowing experiences allow students to become familiar with the world of work in a professional environment.  Students who participate in an Executive Internship commit to their placement for the entire school year.  

Who is Eligible?

Junior and Senior honor students who meet the following criteria are eligible for an Executive Internship:

Examples of Executive Internships

We are very appreciative of the local businesses that have opened their doors to our Executive Interns.  Some of the possible internship experiences include the following:

Healthcare, Real Estate, Veterinarian Medicine, Law, Environmental Science, Public Safety, Local Churches, Journalism, City Management, and more!   The possibilities are endless!