Social Emotional Learning

"Does your child have trouble listening and following directions? Does your child get upset when given challenging schoolwork? Does your child have trouble making friends? If so, your child may need help building social emotional skills.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is how children learn to understand and manage their emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. These skills are based on five strategies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making."


SEL Resources For Families

  • SEL Activities for Families and Educators

  • Mind Yeti® Mindfulness Sessions - Practice mindfulness with free YouTube series sessions designed for adults to do alongside children

  • The Imagine Neighborhood - Free podcast designed to help kids and families tackle the big feelings that come with growing up

  • ParenTeen Connect - Real teens and their parents address hot-button topics to help others with useful advice, videos, and resources.

  • Captain Compassion Comics - In comics and with fun activities, this bullying prevention superhero shows how everyone can help stop bullying.

  • Little Children, Big Challenges - Helps young children face significant challenges with videos, songs, family resources and printable downloads

  • Talking to Kids About Racial Identity - Dr. Aisha White joins The Imagine Neighborhood Podcast to talk about different ways to discuss racial identity with kids

  • The Conscious Kid - this website offers a diverse children's book library that centers underrepresented and oppressed groups. The Conscious Kid is an education, research, and policy organization dedicated to equity and promoting healthy racial identity development.

  • Winter Well-Being - A psychologist's guide to Winter Well-Being is a therapist led YouTube series from Committee for Children to support parents' mental health. 8-week series to encourage parents to prioritize their mental health.

  • Reboot for Home - this is an extension of the Reboot for Schools program being implemented throughout the district this year. This Home App is another way for every family to have mindfulness at their fingertips.