Student Well-being is a Top Priority.

Social-emotional well-being refers to a state of positive mental health and wellness... It involves a sense of optimism, confidence, happiness, clarity, vitality, self-worth, achievement, having a meaning and purpose, engagement, having supportive and satisfying relationships with others and understanding oneself, and responding effectively to one’s own emotions. - Partnership for Well-being and Mental Health in Schools (2015)

Our Goals:

  • Prioritize student self-care and emotional well-being.

  • Support student access to mental and behavioral resources and encourage them to utilize these services.

  • Create opportunities for students to regularly practice and reflect on their own social and emotional competencies.

  • Initiate a school climate and culture reset by establishing and maintaining regular district-wide practices and norms that promote a collective commitment to student wellbeing.

Still need help?

For further information and assistance, please contact your child's assigned Guidance Counselor.