I am certain I have an Irish Ancestor

If you know when and where your ancestor(s) came from Ireland, you will most likely be interested what Irish resources exist to discover more about them and their ancestors.

As mentioned elsewhere, the facts which will help you most to locate records in Ireland of your ancestor emigrating from there are:

  1. Name in Ireland
  2. Birth place and date in Ireland
  3. When they emigrated from Ireland
  4. Where they lived in Ireland

When you have accurately established these facts you'll be able to more effectively research them in Irish records. The records available for this depend heavily on when your ancestor lived in Ireland and to a similar degree, where. The following directs you to where you can find online databases, and lists libraries and institutions you can personally visit plus professionally conducted trips you can take and professionals you can engage for further Irish research.

Major record sets found online:

For online web sites with Irish records, go to the Web Sites page.

Places to go to do on-site research:

In the United States

In Ireland


Professional Researchers (Want to hire a professional?)