
The information below is an overview of the different planning steps the team has taken or will take in the future.

From Project Assignment to Project Timeline

The flowchart above showcases the steps our team took to generate a plan to track progress and effectively accomplish tasks. This covers the initial stages of the course, allowing our team to establish a solid foundation for our project.

Tracking Progress

The flowchart above highlights the steps the team takes when creating tasks for our project. The current project management software used to track our progress is ClickUp.

Project Timeline

Tools Used to Assist in Team Planning

Zoom - Used for many team meetings that are conducted remotely.

WhatsApp - Serves as the space for where the team communicates with each other.

Google Drive - Hosts all of the teams notes, presentations, and research materials.

ClickUp - Acts as the project management tool to keep track of all tasks needed to be completed by the team.