Assignment Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate participation in, accountability for, and responsibility for own learning.
Relevant Course Outcome
Students will be able to develop insights effectively through written communication.
From syllabus:
Professionalism (participation, discussion, Google Classroom, attendance, group work, class preparation, etc.): 10%
Since it is necessary to attend class in order to receive instruction and participate, attendance will be noted. You have 2 absences – excused or unexcused – to use as you see fit. Suggestion: “spend” them wisely. 2 late arrivals will count as 1 absence. More than 2 absences will cost 1 letter grade per absence. 4 absences will result in FAILURE of the course. Students who must miss a number of classes due to extenuating circumstances should contact the Office of Student Affairs (; 978-665-3130) and ask them to issue formal notification to all instructors regarding the absence. If the extenuating circumstance is COVID-related, then students should follow the campus guidelines. Students are responsible for all work despite any missed classes. *Students may, if they choose and as a courtesy, inform Dr. T of impending absences that fall into the above category. However, Dr. T will not always reply unless there is a question or concern to be addressed.*
While including attendance in class, this part of the final grade will involve participation in discussion and preparation of assigned materials, including readings and written responses. Even though we will be meeting virtually, in order to participate in class and earn the Professionalism grade, you must be fully prepared, engaged, present a positive attitude, and contribute to class.