The Varieties of Grounding

National Research Project (PRIN MUR 2022 / PNRR)

In the context of the project "The Varieties of Grounding" the University of Milan, the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Padua, and the University of L'Aquila will offer 4 annual research grants (1 per institution) on topics related to the project. The information about each of these research grants will be provided below, as soon as the official selection is opened for each grant.  


n. 1 Assegno di ricerca 

Titolo: Le varie forme di grounding e le loro applicazioni: mereologia e filosofia della mente 

Durata: un anno

Scadenza del bando: 19 gennaio 2024

Responsabile scientifico: Giorgio Lando


Il grounding è una relazione non causale di spiegazione o determinazione. Nella metafisica contemporanea ci sono profondi disaccordi sulle sue caratteristiche formali, sui suoi ruoli in filosofia e sull’esistenza di una o più relazioni di grounding. Il progetto riguarda le applicazioni del grounding alla mereologia e alla filosofia della mente. In mereologia saranno studiate le interazioni tra grounding e relazione di parte e il parallelismo con il dibattito tra monismo e pluralismo mereologico. In filosofia della mente ci si concentrerà sul rapporto mente-corpo e sulle relazioni esplicative e mereologiche tra le varie menti coinvolte negli approcci panpsichisti. L’assegnista dovrà svolgere attività di ricerca su problemi connessi a questi, scrivendo almeno un articolo da sottoporre a una rivista di rilievo internazionale per la pubblicazione, partecipando a convegni internazionali e collaborando all’organizzazione delle iniziative del progetto.

Sono richiesti un dottorato in filosofia e la conoscenza della lingua inglese. 

A questo link il bando; per informazioni:

Per questa posizione  stato selezionato Fabio Patrone (



n. 1 post-doc grant (one year) 

Title: The varieties of grounding and their applications: mereology and philosophy of mind

Deadline: 19 January 2024

Supervisor: Giorgio Lando


Grounding is a non-causal relation of explanation or determination. There are vast disagreements in contemporary metaphysics about its formal features and philosophical roles, as well as whether there is a single relation of grounding or several relations. The project focuses on the applications of grounding in mereology and in philosophy of mind. Regarding mereology, the interactions between grounding and parthood and the methodological similarities with the parallel monism/pluralism debate in mereology will be investigated. In philosophy of mind, the focus will be on the mind-body problem, as well as on the explanatory and mereological relations between various minds in panpsychist approaches. The research fellow is expected to carry out research in this area by submitting at least one research paper to an internationally renowned journal, participating in international conferences, and collaborating with the organization of the project initiatives.

The required language is English. A PhD degree in philosophy is also required.

Here you can find the official call for application in Italian; for any information:

This position has been attributed to Fabio Patrone (




The foundations of fiction

Duration: one year


In the context of the National Research Project (PRIN) "The Varieties of Grounding," the University of Milan, the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Padua, and the University of L'Aquila are offering 4 annual research grants (1 per institution) on topics related to the project. This is the announcement for the post-doc grant offered by the University of Milan.



The research project aims to investigate the fundamental aspects of fiction. 

It has two main objectives: 

On the one hand, it intends to investigate the foundational aspects of the practice of fiction. Among the relevant research problems: Should narrative discourse be analyzed in truth conditional terms? Should it be considered as make-believe? Is there any other way of interpreting it?

On the other hand, it searches for situations in which fiction can be the foundation of other practices; today, fictionalism is becoming a widespread theory among different philosophical research areas (philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, etc.). Among the relevant questions to be considered: Is fictionalism destructive or constructive of the practice it accounts for? Is there a way in which fictionalism can be supportive of abstract realism or not?



- A PhD degree is a prerequisite.

- English but not Italian required.

- The collaborator will have to conduct research on the foundations of fiction and the foundational characteristics of fiction. 

- The collaborator must produce at least one article, to be submitted to an international (peer-review) journal, on a topic within the scope of the research project. 

- The collaborator will have to participate to the activity of the research group.

- The collaborator will have to manage a mailing list of seminars organized by the research group and take care of the organization and administration of seminar and other research activities.

- The collaborator will be required to conduct research within the scope of the project and collaborate on common initiatives (workshops, conference, seminars) with other research units. 


The research will be supervised by prof. Elisa Paganini (email:

Among the participants to the research group: Prof. Giuliano Torrengo and Prof. Daniel Dohrn.


Here is the link to the announcement:

DEADLINE: November 29th, 2023 at 23.59 (CET)



Elisa Paganini

Dipartimento di filosofia “Piero Martinetti"

Università degli Studi di Milano

Via Festa del Perdono, 7

20122 Milano



n. 1 Assegno di ricerca 

Grounding e Dipendenza Ontologica: aspetti logici e filosofici.

Durata: un anno

All’interno del Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) The Varieties of Grounding, l’università degli Studi di Milano, l’Università Cattolica di Milano, L’università di Padova e l’università dell’Aquila bandiscono 4 assegni di ricerca annuali (1 per sede) su tematiche relative al progetto.

Di seguito, il bando relativo all’unità di ricerca dell’Università Cattolica


La ricerca ha per oggetto l’analisi concettuale della relazione di grounding e di nozioni correlate (in particolare, la dipendenza ontologica). Il/la candidato/a selezionato/a sarà impegnato/a in attività di ricerca nel campo della filosofia della logica, considerando sia gli aspetti tecnici che le ricadute filosofiche delle nozioni prese in esame.

Il/la vincitore/vincitrice dovrà svolgere ricerca nell’ambito del progetto e collaborare alle iniziative comuni con le altre unità di ricerca. Il tutor dell’assegno sarà il prof. Ciro De Florio.

È richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese.

A questo link il bando; per informazioni:



n. 1 post-doc grant 

Grounding and Ontological Dependence: logic and philosophy

Duration: one year

In the context of the National Research Project (PRIN) "The Varieties of Grounding," the University of Milan, the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Padua, and the University of L'Aquila are offering 4 annual research grants (1 per institution) on topics related to the project.

In the following, the announcement for the post-doc grant offered by the Catholic University of Milan


The research deals with the conceptual analysis of the relation of grounding and the cognate notions (mainly, the ontological dependence). The selected candidate will carry out research activities in the field of the philosophy of logic, considering both the technical and the philosophical relevance of the notions in exam.

The winner will be required to conduct research within the scope of the project and collaborate on common initiatives (workshops, conference, seminars) with other research units. The supervisor for the grant will be prof. Ciro De Florio.

The required language is English.

Here the official page; for any information: