
I am very excited about the Art program here in the Fisher School District and I am eager to share what our artists are doing in the art room.

I invite you to browse through our website. You will find information about curriculum, grading, pictures of student artwork, information about art in our community, teacher contact information, and much more!

Follow the Art Room!

Click here for Instagram. Here you will find more of what happens day to day in the art room. 


The art room accepts donations of items such as newspaper, empty tissue/cereal boxes and paper towel tubes to help us make three dimensional art projects. Other in demand items for the art room are masking tape, Sharpie pens/markers and felt/fabric. If you would like donate items, volunteer in the art room or make a difference in another way, contact me today! 

Check out our Amazon wish list

"Art doesn't change the world, art changes people, and people change the world.

~ August Wilson ~