eDirect Resources

Follow the steps below to complete the required eDirect tasks. Take note of the timing for these tasks.


1. CONFIRM - eDirect username and password by attempting to login

2. REVIEW - eDirect Users' Guide

        • Managing Users in eDirect (Pg. 6)

3. ADD - Assistant to the DAC, SACs, DTC, as well as users who will enter student accessibility features to eDirect if they are new to your district

        • Adding Users in eDirect (eDirect Users' Guide Pg. 7)

4. UPDATE - Continuing staff eDirect Accounts to include the Forward 2020 Administration while also verifying that they have the correct school(s) and access level

        • Update Staff Accounts (eDirect Users' Guide Pg. 6)

5. INACTIVATE - Users in eDirect who are no longer in your district or who are no longer in a role requiring access

        • Inactivate a User in eDirect (eDirect Users' Guide Pg. 13)

6. UPLOAD (OPTIONAL) - Multiple students' accommodations file (This must be completed between February 17th and February 28th. Accommodations can alternately be entered for single students after this window)

After March 9th:

1. REVIEW - eDirect Users' Guide

        • Managing Students and Testing Users' Guide (eDirect Users' Guide Pg. 14)

2. CONFIRM - Accuracy of all student data in eDirect with your School Assessment Coordinator(s)

3. ADD or TRANSFER - Students in eDirect who moved into your district after January 22nd.

4. FYI - Be aware of the students who left your district. You will not transfer them out, the receiving district will do that. If the student is not transferred out near the end of the testing window, code the student correctly as having left your district.

5. ENTER - Accessibility Features for students (All accommodations must be entered before printing the test ticket.)

6. MANAGE - Test Sessions (Test sessions are automatically created. They can be changed if desired.)

During Testing

1. PRINT - Test Tickets (In many districts, this will be the role of the School Assessment Coordinator)

2. MONITOR - Student testing progress and assist School Assessment Coordinators in coming up with a plan to assess all students.

3. UNLOCK - Student tests when deemed necessary

After Testing

1. CONFIRM - All students have tested.

2. UPDATE CODES - Students who did not assess should be coded as "not assessed."