Diary of a Wanted Woman

Hannah Jones is a wanted woman. Men of all ages, races, married or single seem to fall to her feet when she walks into a room. That was the way Hannah liked it. As a matter of fact, she was obsessed by all the attention. No man was immune to her smooth dark chocolate skin, her award winning smile and the fact that she has the capacity to soak the sheets.Especially not David Castor, wealthy football player who has wanted Hannah from the moment he laid eyes on her. She was everything he always wanted in a woman. She was smart, beautiful and amazing in bed. He would do anything to make her his very own.

Yet that kind of relationship didn’t appeal to Hannah. She was much more interested in a sexual no-strings-attached type of relationship. She felt she was unable to give David what he wanted. David was willing to wait. He has seen this kind of love before. It had the power to change people, but could it change Hannah?

Diary of a Wanted Woman delves into the life of a woman willing to walk away from love for the thrill of sex and a man not willing to let her throw it all away. It all comes down to one question: Can a person really change?