About us

Ms. Gibson has been teaching at St. Michael School for 6 years.  She has only ever taught fourth grade and loves everything about fourth grade learning.  It is such a big year of growth in so many ways.  She lives in Bowling Green and grew up there.  She also attended Bowling Green State University.  She lives in BG with her daughter, Andice who is 16 and they have 6 animals!  A dog named Lucy Cupcake, two cats named Lily and Peanut, a bunny named Pierre and, two geckos named Pebbles Popcorn and Bendy Burrito! In their free time, when they aren't with animals, Ms. Gibson loves to watch her daughter ride horses, preform in band and orchestra. She also enjoys kayaking, outdoor activities and painting.  Ms. Gibson also teaches kids how to paint in her home town.  

Sister Mary Dominic is excited to be starting her second year at Saint Michael School this year! Previous to teaching at St. Michael's, Sister taught 4th grade in Phoenix, Arizona and middle school math and religion on Long Island, New York. Originally from a tiny town in southern Minnesota and the oldest of five children, she always dreamed of being a teacher. Sister joined the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in 2013 and made her final vows in 2021. Her greatest joy is helping her students draw close to the Heart of Jesus in everything they do and learn! In her free time, Sr. Mary Dominic loves to spend time with her Sisters with a good cup of coffee, a fast-paced game of ultimate frisbee, or cooking up something delicious in the kitchen!