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When it comes to pollinators, we don’t often think of birds. Most birds in our region are not pollinators, but a few rely on the nectar that plants produce in spring for their diet after a long migration. These three species are the ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris), Baltimore oriole (Icterus galbula), and Tennessee warbler (Leiothlypis peregrina). Visit again in early 2024 to learn about our region's bird pollinators in a newly published blog.

Field Guide - Birds of Thatcher Woods Forest Preserve

Use this guide to identify birds that frequent Thatcher Woods, and see an image of the ruby-throated hummingbird.

Field Guide - Common Chicago Park District Species in Prairies & Savannas

Use this guide to identify common species of the Chicago Park District's natural areas, including birds such as the Baltimore oriole.

Field Guide - Warblers of the Chicago Region

Use this guide to identify warblers of the Chicago Region, including the Tennessee warbler.