12th Grade Classes


Girls meet with Mrs. Jodock for Bible study

Boys meet with Mr. Hoyt for Bible study

Language Arts

In Literature, the students have been reading "End of the Spear" in class and discussing. Halfway through the book, they were given a lengthy assignment answering questions about the book and reflecting on deep questions. After the book is complete, they will be required to write up a report. Iowa Basics testing will be April 25 - April 29.


American Government

The 11th Grade class will be studying the 3 branches of the government - Legislative first, Executive second and Judicial third. We are currently on the Executive portion of Government.


Individual Science Projects Review


The students are following a 3-part video series on Discipleship from Jared Dodd through Right Now Media. Each week there are chapter notes and heart-probing questions and meditations that they are required to complete. This class is only on Fridays.