518國際博物館日 | International Museum Day

國際博物館日是什麼?| IMD in Short

自 1977 年以來,國際博物館協會每年都會舉辦國際博物館日。對於博物館界來說,這是一個特別的日子。 在這一天,參與活動的博物館都會設計一些與博物館日主題相關的創意活動,與公眾互動,彰顯博物館服務社會及促進其發展的重要性。

國際博物館日的目標是提高人們對博物館的認識。讓大眾了解到「博物館是文化交流的載體,是豐富文化、加強各國人民相互了解、合作與和平的重要手段」。 每年 5 月 18 日前後舉辦的慶祝活動會持續一天、一個週末或者整整一週時間。

世界各地的博物館對國際博物館日的參與度越來越高。 2021 年,世界各地開展混合形式的慶祝活動,擴大了影響範圍。通過社交媒體、新聞文章、博客文章、播客等方式吸引了 8900 萬互聯網用戶!

Every year since 1977, ICOM has organised International Museum Day (IMD), which represents a unique moment for the international museum community. On this day, participating museums plan creative events and activities related to the International Museum Day theme, engage with their public and highlight the importance of the role of museums as institutions that serve society and its development.

The objective of International Museum Day is to raise awareness on the fact that, “museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”. Organised each year on and around 18 May, the events and activities planned to celebrate International Museum Day can last a day, a weekend or a whole week.

Participation in International Museum Day is growing among museums all over the world. In 2021, the celebration amplified its impact by the development of hybrid activities all around the world, reaching 89 million Internet users through social media, news articles, blog posts, podcasts and more!

今年的主題 | This Year's Theme


博物館擁有改變世界的力量。 它教會我們如何知曉過去,如何以開放的心胸面對新事物,這是創造美好未來的兩大基本步驟。 博物館對於改造社區,具有積極的潛力,可以聚焦在以下三方面:




The theme for this year is "The Power of Museums."

Museums have the power to transform the world around us. As incomparable places of discovery, they teach us about our past and open our minds to new ideas — two essential steps in building a better future. The potential of museums to bring about positive change in their communities is explored through three lenses:

The power of achieving sustainability: Museums are strategic partners in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. As key actors in their local communities, they contribute to a wide variety of Goals, which include fostering short-circuit and social economy and disseminating scientific information on environmental challenges.

The power of innovating on digitalization and accessibility: Museums have become innovative playing-grounds where new technologies can be developed and applied to everyday life. Digital innovation can make museums more accessible and engaging, helping audiences understand complex and nuanced concepts.

The power of community building through education: Through its collections and programmes, museums thread a social fabric that is essential in community building. By upholding democratic values and providing life-long learning opportunities to all, they contribute to shaping an informed and engaged civil society.

佛館的力量 | The Power of Buddha Museum


How does the Buddha Museum transform the world through its power? Since its opening in 2011, the Buddha Museum has made efforts to achieve 9 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


  • SDG4:教育品質-(創新教育)

  • SDG5:性別平等

  • SDG6:淨化水源

  • SDG7:可負擔能源-(能源教育)

  • SDG11:永續城市-(防災和安全教育)

  • SDG12:責任消費與生產-(家庭教育)

  • SDG13:氣候行動-(環境教育)

  • SDG15:陸域生態-(環境教育)

  • SDG17:全球夥伴-(國際教育)


Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set up by the United Nations, the Buddha Museum is actively achieving 9 goals, which include:

  • Goal 4: Quality Education

  • Goal 5: Gender Equality

  • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Goal 13: Climate Action

  • Goal 15: Life on Land

  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

How are the three lenses expressed at the Buddha Museum? Here's how:

持續發展的力量 | The power of achieving sustainability

佛教植物園區 | Buddhist Botanic Gardens


Environmental education is the ultimate goal of the Buddha Museum. Since the Buddha Museum opened, the natural landscapes have become a lively and interactive campus for field trips. The Buddhist Botanic Gardens at the Museum has the largest variety of Buddhist plants. The gardens bring about awareness for ecological protection and continue to promote life and environmental education as the Museum's objective in achieving sustainability.

創新的力量 | The power of innovating on digitalization and accessibility

佛教海線絲綢之路 | Buddhist Maritime Silk Road


The Buddha Museum's innovation on digitalization and accessibility is displayed through the Buddhist Maritime Silk Road exhibition which uses new media technology to reproduce the historical and cultural process of the Buddhist maritime silk road.

更多展覽內容 | More info on the exhibition

公眾教育與社區建設的力量 | The power of community building through education


十大展出鎮館之寶 | Top Ten Treasures of the Buddha Museum


During the New Year Festival in 2022, the Buddha Museum set up a bridge with people around the world through the “Top Ten Treasures” voting activity. Rare treasures that are being preserved in the museum are highlighted to people around the world for the first time.

更多內容 | More info


"The Power of Buddha Museum" Board Game



The theme for this year's IMD is "The Power of Museums". From May 7th to May 18th, the Buddha Museum launches a board game activity.

Participants can get to draw a lucky prize upon completion, and everyone will get to win a prize!