College Path

The Career Center along with FHS Counselors provide resources, tools and information to guide students through the college application and graduation process. This allows students to define their strengths and post-secondary interests, search a comprehensive database of colleges and scholarships and track their college application process. 

When choosing a college path, it is important to identify the outcome of the program(s) you want to finish. To help you identify the right type of education for you, please see the definitions below:

1) Colleges & Universities: 

After determining the type of degree you want, it is time to consider the educational institute you want to join.

Use any of the following links to find your college or university in Washington State:

Interested in education outside Washington State? Check out the college navigator

Compare the living cost between cities or counties

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) America’s largest regional interstate tuition savings program

Upward Bound Program

A little information about Upward Bound to include:

Upward Bound is a college prep program for High schoolers for are first-generation and are excited about their future college experience! Each year, Upward bound carefully selects students to participate in this incredibly unique program. Our vision is to empower each student to become a leader, a person of accomplishment, and an excellent representation of the Upward Bound program for years to come! Every summer, we visit college campuses, offer a summer academy at Whatcom Community college, and offer advising all year long! If you're interested in joining the program, please let Mrs. Gholam or Mr. Abdulrazek in the Counseling Center know.

I hope this is the information you were looking for! Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!

Thank you for helping the program so much! I really appreciate it! 


Application to fill it out online, via this link:

2) Testing: ACT, SAT, & Accuplacer

What is SAT and ACT? SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test; ACT stands for American College Test. Both the SAT and ACT are accepted by all U.S. colleges. Both the SAT and the ACT include core sections on Reading, Writing, and Math. Both tests include an optional essay, and neither penalizes for wrong answers. 

Now that you learned about both tests, you can make a decision whether to take the SAT or ACT. To practice use either of the following:

What is Accuplacer? Accuplacer is the most powerful tool available to help colleges assess student readiness for introductory credit-bearing courses and make relaible decisions.  

We are excited to welcome you to advanced math at FHS.  Whether you are taking Finite Math (fall semester), Math in the Modern World (spring semester), Precalculus, or Calculus, you have an opportunity to earn Dual Credit, meaning both high school and college credit. These courses take place at Ferndale High School during the school day and are taught by Ferndale math teachers. In addition to earning required High School Math credit, you could also earn 5 -10 College Math credits this year.  

The cost is $15.  Please pay your Fee at the ASB Store.  

If this fee is a hardship, it can be waived by parent request. 


There is an app you can download from this same site.  Additional Accuplacer information may be found through internet searches.  For Finite Math and Math in the Modern World, look for information on the Quantitative Reasoning placement test. For Precalculus and Calculus, look for information on the Advanced Algebra and Functions placement test (the required scores for enrollment are higher for Calculus than for Precalculus). 

Questions about the test?   

Contact your math teacher 

Questions about signing up?   

Contact  Mr. Hall  Room 123   (360) 383-9543 

3) Financial Information

Paying for college can come from a variety of resources including financial aid, scholarships, grants, and loans.  Below are some resources to help you put together your college financial plan.  Please remember, you should never have to pay for scholarship information.  Avoid any websites that require payment for information.

4) Student Athletes

Student athletes need to register with the NCAA and submit transcript waivers to the counseling office. Please bring in two copies of the signed waiver along with two envelopes with postage & addressed to the NCAA Clearinghouse – one copy for the beginning of the year and the 2nd copy for the end of the year.

Additional Links:
