Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee Meets quarterly in the Otter Community Room at Kennedy School from 3:45-4:45. There are various members including school staff, parents, students, professional community members, school board, county and public health.

The wellness committee always welcomes new ideas, perspectives and energy. If you are interested in participating on the wellness committee please contact any of the following members for more information.

You can view our Triennial Assessment here (completed Fall 2023)

Jen Kohorst, Licensed School Nurse                                 jkohorst@fergusotters.org 

Jeff Drake, Administrative Representative

Elaine Jahnke, HR Director

Lance Wells, Food Service Director

Natalie Knutson, School Board Representative

Karen Nitzkorski, PartnerSHIP 4 Health

Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes

September 2023 Meeting

Wellness Committee Minutes 9.26.23

November 2023 Meeting

Wellness Committee Minutes 11.7.23

January 2023 Meeting

Wellness Committee Minutes 1.9.24

March 2024 Meeting

Wellness Committee Minutes 3.5.24