Fergus Falls Wellness Website

Healthy Snack Ideas

Healthy Snacks, fall 2021.pdf

Free Online Wellness Resources When Staying Home

Free online wellness resources are listed below. Each link has been tested, no credit card is needed for any of them as noted. Many of them normally have a subscription fee, or didn’t exist before COVID-19.

Healthy Students Learn Better!

Thank you for taking the time to visit our wellness website. There are lots of resources here about active families and students, healthy nutrition, safe and healthy learning and our school district policies. Please take time to look around and try out some of these ideas.

Review our new policy, let us know how we can share and teach about it. We’d love to hear your thoughts. 

HELP WANTED: We would love to have involvement from families and community members in our Wellness Committee. During the 2020-2021 school year we will be meeting quarterly at 3:30 via Zoom. 

2023-2024 meetings are: 

 Please join us!

Contact Jen Kohorst, Licensed School Nurse, with any questions jkohorst@fergusotters.org 

Healthy Students Learn Better!

Check out Healthy Kids Learn Better at Alliance for a Healthier Generation to learn more!

school wellness vaping info.pdf