Health Resources

Health Resources

This page includes a variety of health resources on a variety of topics that I have found valuable:

Allergies, anaphylaxis and asthma:

American Academy of Allergies, Asthma and Immunology

American Lung Association

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network

Minnesota Asthma Program- MDH

Attention Deficit Disorders:

Attention Deficit Disorders Association

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders- Support Network

Red River Valley CHADD


American Diabetes Association

Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association

Insulin Pumpers

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Minnesota Diabetes Program- MDH

National Diabetes Education Program

Head Lice:

Head Lice: Kids Health

Minnesota Department of Health - Head Lice Fact Sheet

Treatment for Head Lice: CDC

Mental Health/Suicide Prevention:

Mobile Mental Health Crisis Response

Crisis Line for Otter Tail County 1-800-223-4512

Lakeland Mental Health - (218) 736-6987

School Counselors

Kennedy Secondary School Counselors


Action for Healthy Kids

American Dietetic Association

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010


Understanding Nutrition Labels

Physical Activity:

Fuel Up to Play 60

National Association for Sports and Physical Activity

School Health Topics/Miscellaneous:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Minnesota Department of Education-Safe and Healthy Learners

Minnesota Department of Health

National School Nurse Association

Otter Tail Family Services Collaborative

Ottertail County Public Health

School Nurse Organization

Smiles Change Lives-Assistance with braces needs

Vaccine Information


Epilepsy Foundation of America

National Institute of Health-Epilepsy Page

Substance Abuse and Addiction:

Drug Rehab