Robotic inventions

This was 5th grade Probe's culminating final project with our Robotic Unit this year. We were identifying real world problems and creating robots that helped address those problems.

Students got to become Robotic engineers by using LEGO EV3 kits borrowed from our collaboration with Dr Steve Coxen and Maryville University. Each student group explored how to build and program robots through guided lessons, missions, and challenges. They then applied those learned skills to create this final robotic invention. These 5th grade Robotic engineers designed, built, programmed, and tested robots that addressed specific problems.

We were in our final stages of the Engineering Design Process as we were preparing for a Public Family PBL Showcase when the Covid 19 Pandemic turned us all into Distance Learners.

We did build and test successful robots, but these projects are not "Completely Finished". We hadn't finalized our posters and presentations yet. So they are not as complete as we would have wanted them to be.

Mr V filmed each Robot on his own before schools shut down so we could share our inventions with everyone. Some groups have also shared their Robot Engineering journals.