Dogs & Their Hoomans

Sunny is a golden retriever, who was born on December 29, 2019. He was purchased locally from Bennington Hills Kennels in Fenton, Michigan. He lives and works with Mrs. Rachael Hassell, the district media specialist for Fenton Area Public Schools. Sunny has been a wonderful addition to Fenton High School Media Center, which has become not only a place for students to seek academic resources and support, but also to find social-emotional resources and support. 

Simon is a standard poodle who was born on February 11, 2021. He comes from a litter of eight puppies from Standard Poodles of Forest Lakes in Big Rapids, Michigan.. He lives and works with Mrs. Lindsay Grady, the Coordinator of Career & College Readiness Programs for Fenton Area Public Schools in the FHS Counseling Office, where Simon is available to students, and staff, in need of social-emotional support (or just some puppy snuggles!). 

Bella is a yellow labrador retriever who was born in January of 2021. She lives and working with Mr. Todd Schroeder, a special education teacher at Fenton High School. Bella works specifically with the special education classes and the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) program. She helps students with their communication & vocational skills, social relationships, as well as helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. 

Buddy is a mini-goldendoodle and is almost three and a half years old. He lives and works with Mr. Barry Tiemann, State Road Elementary Principal. Buddy has been with us at State Road for just over two years.  He loves to greet kids as they arrive at school in the morning and to help give kids some love when they are having a bad day.  When Buddy is at home, he's just like any other dog. He loves to run around the yard, play fetch, and go for walks around the neighborhood! 

Charlie is a mini-goldendoodle and will be three years old in July. He lives and works with Mr. Craig Salter, the principal at Tomek-Eastern Elementary School. Charlie has been working at Tomek for almost two years. His favorite activity is having students take him for a walk if they are just needing a break and greeting kids as they arrive each morning. He has had a rough year as he has gone through knee surgery and also had to have an eye removed/fake eye put in as it was defective from birth. He is back to 100% now and loving life.