Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELOP)

Santa Monica Blvd. Community Charter School offers in-person before and after school programming Monday - Friday.

School Information

1022 N. Van Ness Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90038

On Santa Monica Blvd. between Van Ness Ave. and Ridgewood Ave.  

(Next to Paramount Studios)

(323) 469-0971 Ext. 2172

What is Expanded Learning?

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten (TK) through sixth grade. “Expanded learning” means before-school, after-school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.

At our campus, we have themed days!

Movement Mondays: Everybody Dance LA & Science of Sports

Tempo Tuesdays: Bucket Drumming, Piano & Jazz Band

Wellness Wednesdays: P1440 Volleyball, Q1 Cooking Academy, Q2 Ninja Academy, Q3 Cheer & Fitness

Themed Thursdays: Q1 (Science) - Weird & Wacky Science, Super Powered Science, Q2 (Languages) - Spanish Immersion, ASL, Q3 (Animals) - Cute & Cuddly Animals, Animal Invasion

Fantastic Fridays: Assemblies & Field Trips (no ELOP classes on Fridays)

*Teacher clubs take place only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:50-3:45pm.*

*Mathnasium tutoring take place on Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm or 3:55-4:55pm.*

SMBCCS Expanded Learning Coordinator

Jazmin Luna M.A. Ed.


I am excited to work with partner programs and classroom teachers to provide students with fun and engaging learning opportunities. I've worked at SMBCCS since 2009. My positions have included P.E. Teacher Assistant, P.E. Teacher, 2nd Grade Teacher, STEAM Lead, and Grade Level Lead.  I completed my undergraduate studies at UCLA in 2009 and received my Masters in Education from WGU in 2015. 

Questions, comments, or concerns?

You can send me an email or if your child attends our school, you can send me a message through Class Dojo.